Garzor Insurance Blog: interruption
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Saturday, May 13, 2023 FLORIDA/TEXAS, May 2023—Whether your business is a small or big operation, there are always some risk factors that will affect its development and daily operations when a disaster strikes. Most big companies have appointed a management team in charge of assessing risk areas, and responsible for creating emergency/recovery plans. READ MORE >>
Sunday, June 28, 2020 Orlando, Fla.—Bars and Restaurants across Florida and all over the U.S., have responded to city and statewide coronavirus-related lockdown mandates by reducing hours, reducing staff, reducing the amount of patrons allowed inside their establishment, adding costly safety layers to their current operations, among many other measures. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 12, 2020 Orlando, Florida—Now that the novel coronavirus has been declared a global pandemia, do you have a back up plan to recover from business interruption? At first, we all hoped this was not going to last long, and therefore not threatening to our daily lives and business operations. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 22, 2018Orlando, Fla. — You have probably seen in the news, the recent case of Kentucky Fried Chicken having to shut down nine hundred restaurants in the United Kingdom due to a shortage of their most important ingredient, the one that people love: Chicken! READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 7, 2017Orlando, Fla. —Perhaps, by now, you and your business have endured, weather, key employees taking a new direction, shoplifting or any other kind of theft. Maybe you feel now invencible, but what will the future bring? Will you be able to keepyour dream? READ MORE >>
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