Thursday, August 19, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—The Employee Retention Credit (ERTC) is a refundable credit that businesses can claim on qualified wages, including certain health insurance costs, paid to employees. The following are some impacts that may qualify your business for the Employee Retention Credit: READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Orlando, Fla.—Before any storm or hurricane approaches the big questions all business owners may need to ask themselves is: What could go wrong?
To protect your business against severe and extreme weather conditions like hurricanes it takes not only ... READ MORE >>
Friday, July 30, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—This pandemic is not over. As a business owner is it important to be aware of the options and resources you’ll have on hand in case things don’t go back to normal, at least not just yet. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 22, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—As we get ready for the Back-To-School operations, sales and events, contractors providing student transportation are looking for safer, and more efficient ways to conduct their businesses. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 2, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—We all know kitchens can be dangerous, food can go bad, plus restaurants are usually packed with people. All those are risk factors we need to keep in mind when starting or running a business as a restaurateur. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—If Covid-19 restrictions weren’t hard enough on small businesses, these entrepreneurs are now facing new challenges related to the pandemic that continues to affect their businesses performance. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 31, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—Hurricane Season 2021 is officially beginning on June 1st, and it means you must take the necessary steps to keep your business investment and assets well protected against this type of weather events, so popular in the state of Florida, and many others on the west or east coasts. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 20, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—A general liability insurance policy protects your business from a variety of possible claims. For example, the average cost of a slip and fall claim is $20,000. Facing a lawsuit associated to damage of reputation could leave you facing an average of $50,000 in costs. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Orlando, Fla.—Do fertilizer bans protect water quality?
There are multiple sources of nutrients in Florida's water bodies. UF/IFAS research using stable isotope source tracking methods has shown that in addition to fertilizers, sources of nutrients in water bodies i... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 Orlando, Fla.—An experienced local agent can walk you through the right decisions when it comes to getting your business well covered considering all risks involved in your specific operation, and other local considerations like rules and regulations, standards, and best compliance. READ MORE >>
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